Roskilde resonerer

Roskilde is known as the city of music mainly due to the annual music festival Roskilde Festival, but also because of the undergrowth of many smaller, music oriented initiatives. But what does the city itself sound like, and what does the city’s sounds do to its citizens’ experience of it?

The 3 sound artists Finboggi Petursson (IS), Jacob Kirkegaard (DK/DE) and Tim Hinman (UK/DK) started collecting the city’s sounds from the 10th of august (2009) and explore how to consciously engage and work with more senses than the visual in the development of new urban spaces. What kind of role does  the auditory play in our experience of a city and how does it effect a city’s citizens well being?

During the artists stay in Roskilde  its residents and other curious minded could experience processed sounds in different ways -via balloon installations and radio transmissions. The artists’ work finally resulted in a spectacular event where Hal 9, Musicon was transformed into a giant musical instrument, which interpreted the city’s sounds with further contributions from guest artists such as Sissel Vera Petterson (NO), Mobb BEEP (DK), Di Verse (DK) and Fans (DK) from Svogerslev.